The complete beginner’s guide to freelancing in 2024

The complete beginner’s guide to freelancing in 2024

I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars as a freelancer and worked with over 40 clients, and if I had to start from scratch today, this is the exact checklist I would follow to do just that. All right, here’s our table of contents of what we’re going to cover complete beginner’s guide to freelancing in 2024 in this blog.

Table of Contents

  1. Level One: Earning Your First Dollar
    • Task 1: Choose Your Character
    • Task 2: Collect Your Gear
    • Task 3: Land Your First Gig
  2. Level Two: Earning Your First Hundred Dollars
    • Task 1: Weekly Quests
    • Task 2: Get Good
  3. Level Three: Earning Your First Thousand Dollars
  4. Bonus Level: Earning Your First Ten Thousand Dollars

The complete beginner’s guide to freelancing in 2024

Level One beginner’s freelancing: Earning Your First Dollar

Task 1: Choose Your Character

Choose your character involves three components:

  1. Pick Your Superpower: What problem are you going to solve?
  2. Pick Your Rate: How much do you want to charge?
  3. Pick Your Target Clients: Who are your target bosses?

Pick Your Superpower

Freelancing is about solving problems. Here are common problems business owners face:

  • Not making enough money.
  • Struggling to grow on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn.
  • Not having enough time.
  • Being overwhelmed by technology.
  • Not knowing how to write good copy.
  • Struggling with sales or growing an email list.
  • Design issues.

99% of CEO problems fall into three buckets: time, money, and energy.

If you have experience, use it. If not, solve the problem of not having enough time. You can start as an assistant, helping with various small tasks, which is a great way to gain experience.

Identify Your Competitive Advantage: Here are some examples:

  • You have time.
  • You’re detail-oriented.
  • You’re great at Googling and figuring things out.
  • You’re a people pleaser who over-delivers.
  • You offer competitive rates.

Don’t specialize initially. Try working with different clients to understand what you enjoy and who you want to support long-term.

Pick Your Target Clients

Ask yourself who has the problem you’ve chosen to solve. Think about:

  • Business owners who need more time.
  • Scaling business owners are exhausted by managing without processes.
  • Businesses prioritizing organic traffic growth on social media platforms.

Consider your interests and hobbies as potential niches. Make sure your target client:

  1. Has money to pay you.
  2. Takes their business seriously.
  3. Isn’t too big or too small.

Create Your Tagline: Use the formula “I help [target client] do [service] so they can [result].”

Pick Your Rate

As a beginner, reduce the risk for potential clients by starting with a lower rate. This is not permanent. Treat it as a paid internship, focusing on learning and gradually increasing your rates. Don’t get stuck on pricing. Choose a rate, get your first client, and adjust from there.

Task 2: Collect Your Gear

Your portfolio is your most important gear. You don’t need a website or logo initially. Create strong samples of your work, even if they are ghost projects. Quality over quantity.


  • For a TikTok assistant: Sample edits for a TikToker.
  • For a YouTube assistant: Research and draft video pitches, title ideas, and thumbnails.

Focus on making one great sample and use a portfolio template if needed.

Task 3: Land Your First Gig

Your goal is to earn your first dollar.


  • Join freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Contra.
  • Send 5-10 proposals.
  • Watch cold pitching videos and send 5-10 cold pitches.
  • Tell 5-10 people in your network about your services.

Expect rejection, but keep trying. Reward yourself once you land your first gig.

Level Two: Earning Your First Hundred Dollars

The complete beginner’s guide to freelancing in 2024
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Task 1: Weekly Quests

Your focus is to make your first $100. Here’s your daily/weekly checklist:

  • Send five proposals on freelancing platforms.
  • Send five cold pitches.
  • Tell five people in your network about your services.

Repeat this until you have a steady base of clients. Persistence is key.

Task 2: Get Good

Improve your skills continually. Think of yourself as a video game character you’re upgrading. Learn new skills, seek mentors, and keep practising.

Level Three: Earning Your First Thousand Dollars

When you reach this level, you should already have a steady stream of clients and consistent work. To earn your first thousand dollars:

  1. Increase Your Rates: As you gain experience and confidence, gradually raise your rates.
  2. Expand Your Services: Offer additional services that complement your main service.
  3. Build Long-Term Relationships: Focus on building long-term relationships with clients who provide regular work.
  4. Refine Your Skills: Continue to refine and expand your skills to offer more value to your clients.

Bonus Level: Earning Your First Ten Thousand Dollars

Achieving this milestone requires scaling your efforts:

  1. Scale Your Business: Consider subcontracting or building a team to handle more work.
  2. Automate and Streamline: Use tools and systems to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your workflow.
  3. Leverage Your Network: Network with other freelancers, join communities, and seek referrals.
  4. Invest in Marketing: Invest in marketing efforts to attract higher-paying clients and more significant projects.
  5. Specialize and Brand Yourself: Develop a niche and brand yourself as an expert in that area.
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